
Senin, 06 Juli 2015

Called To Be God's People, Abridged Edition: An Introduction to the Old Testament (Called by the Gospel)

Called To Be God's People, Abridged Edition: An Introduction to the Old Testament (Called by the Gospel)

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Called to Be God's People is an introduction to the Old Testament designed for those who wish to have a comprehensive guide to the contents, theology, and important passages of the Old Testament. Written from a Lutheran perspective, this book is especially designed for those within that tradition and others who seek a guide to the canonical books of the Old Testament that consciously presents the Scriptures' message of Law and Gospel as well as the traditional Christian messianic understanding of Moses and the Prophets that points to Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises to Israel. This book is an ideal condensed handbook for university students and other Christian adults who seek to expand their knowledge of the background, content, and message of the Old Testament and its importance for Christian faith and life. It introduces important background information on each book of the Old Testament along with a general discussion of contents and theology. Included are illustrations, maps, tables, charts and sidebars. A concluding chapter on the centuries between the Old and New Testaments overlaps with a similar treatment contained in the New Testament volume in this series, Called by the Gospel, allowing for a smooth transition to the study of the rest of the Christian Scriptures.


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